Miscelâneas do Eu

Expressar as ideais, registrar os pensamentos, sonhos, devaneios num pequeno e simplório blog desta escritora amadora que vos fala são as formas que encontrei para registrar a existência neste mundo.

Não cabe a mim julgar certo ou errado e sim, escrever o que sinto sobre o que me cerca.

A única coisa que não abro mão é do amor pelos seres humanos e incompreensão diante da capacidade de alguns serem cruéis com sua própria espécie.

Nana Pimentel


terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2016

Simple past and Past continuous

1. Passe os verbos do infinitive para simple Past e para o Past continious
Simple past
1. go → ___________
2. come → ___________
3. buy → __________
4. have → ___________
5. do → __________

Passe as frases do Simple past afirmativo para o negative e o interrogative.

Jane was tired. (negativo/interrogativo)

Sean did not work. (negativo/interrogativo)

Did I have a cat?(negativo/interrogativo)

Mary did not sing. (negativo/interrogativo)
Put the senteces into simple past.

1. We open the door. →
2. You write poems. →
3. Richard plays in the garden. →
4. Kerry does not speak English. →
5. Do you see the bird? →
Write sentences in simple past.

1. you / cards / play

2. I / a car / want

3. we / the game / lose

4. not / I / early / get up

5. not / Jeff and Linda / home / cycle
"Was" or "Were"?

1. I_________ hungry.
2. You______ in Australia last year.
3. She_____ not there.
4. Charly Chaplin_______ a famous actor.
5. Lisa and James_________ at home.

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

1. Billy ate an apple. _____________?
2. The children played in the garden. ____________________?
3. Laura came home at six o'clock. ____________________?
4. The boy read a book. ________________________?

5. The girl wrote five letters. _________________________?

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